Anne Hall

Owner & Founder

Anne Hall is the owner and founder of ITagree – The Agreement Lifeguard, providing legal agreements-as-a-service globally. Anne recognized just how much IT companies struggled with customer agreements so she decided to put her 25 years’ experience as an IT lawyer to use in an innovative way, establishing ITagree in 2016. ITagree provides access to the specific types of legal agreements needed by IT companies, quickly and cost-effectively, in order to help them to reduce business risk. ITagree’s agreements have been developed and refined to suit the needs of IT companies in North America, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and several European countries.

ITagree is helping MSPs and IT companies to reduce unnecessary business risks.

ITagree has you covered if you provide:
Managed Services
Managed Security Services
Resell Microsoft 365 or Azure
Professional Services
Third Party SaaS
And more!

Hall Anne
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM

MSP Contracts Don't Have to Kill Profitability

Learn how to protect yourself and stay up to date - no matter where you live.

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