
2 action-packed days


11 hours of education


100% geared toward SMBs
& IT Service Providers


100% Action-oriented content

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2023 Theme

Nothing Happens by Itself

Author Karl W. Palachuk has a motto for his business and life: Nothing Happens by Itself. Basically, this is a reminder that planning, preparing, scheming, and getting your mind set for success are all important – but they mean nothing until you take action.

This is important because many business owners go to conferences, read books, take classes, go to trainings and never implement anything. No amount of time, effort, and energy that you spend educating yourself will improve you unless you add actions to the list.

You have to actually do something. You have to implement the things that you’ve learned. You have to take action to move things ahead.

This year’s conference will give you some great information and strategies for making meaningful change in your business.

Small IT companies face greater challenges than ever. We are facing a difficult hiring market in the middle of a very uncertain economy. We are competing for resources and clients more than ever. And government regulation is growing all the time.

You need a plan.

But, more importantly, you need a plan of action. This year’s speakers will all focus on hand-on actions you can take to improve your business and be more competitive in the years ahead.

What happens if I don't do anything? Nothing.

Let's do this

The Time is Right

The best time to make changes in your business for the 2020’s was last year. The second best time is right now!

In the technology sector, we are constantly reminded that change is unrelenting. But we’re also just small businesses, working our way through the global, and local changes that all businesses deal with. AND, more importantly, our clients are mostly small- and medium-sized businesses facing the same challenges.

IT consultants are uniquely positioned to help our clients thrive in the years ahead. We understand tech. We understand the business environment. And we understand the greatest challenges our clients face today: The double threats of cyber attacks and government regulation.

This conference focuses on the processes and procedures – and actions – you need to be successful going forward. Our goal is to provide you with actionable advice, and the strategies to help both you and your clients thrive in the years ahead.

Anyone can be healthy. Any business can thrive, but you need to take action.

Nothing Happens by Itself
2023 Topics

Nothing Happens by Itself: Topics

This conference is all about taking your business to a new level as we enter a new era in technology consulting.
We’re super excited about this year’s event and looking forward to amazing new content.

Make sure to join the newsletter to stay updated.

Nothing Happens by Itself

Karl’s personal motto! Education, inspiration, and decisiveness are great – but useless without action.

The Magic of Security

Even the smartest people can fall victim to phishing and other cyber attacks.

How to Cultivate the Self-Managing Employee

Guide your employees to make the right decisions every time, without micromanaging.

MSP Contracts Don’t Have to Kill Profitability

Learn how to protect yourself and stay up to date – no matter where you live.

MSP Valuations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of M&A for Small IT Service Providers

Mergers and Acquisitions are hot! Perhaps too hot to be in the best interested of small businesses. This panel of experts explores the promise and peril of selling (or buying) your business.

Telecom: Adding Recurring Revenue to Your Blended Profit Margin & Creating Sticky Customers

Is telecom your secret profit booster?

Anatomy of a Plan

Bring your brand to life with a strategy used by some of the largest brands to help find their way.

Killing IT Live

Opinion leaders Dave Sobel, Ryan Morris, and Karl Palachuk bring you a live version of their popular Killing IT Podcast – plus live Q&A!

Build a Community of Lifelong Fans

Reach more clients faster with proven strategies to begin cultivating an engaged customer base.

Engaged Employees Equal More Profits

Is your leadership style diminishing your company profits? You can change that.

Air-gapped and immutable backups are dead. Ranswomware 3.0 killed them!

How vulnerable are your backups? Maybe more than you think . . .

Final Roundup & Community Forum

Chat and hang out with Karl and the rest of our speakers!

Wrap-up and Prep for Day Two

Close out the day

Schedule and Conference Details

Check out this year’s lineup!
We have every confidence you’re going to love what we have planned for you. Check out the 2020 highlights to hear from past attendees!

Meet your Speakers

More info coming soon!